Outreach and Education
The High Park Fire burned over my Tree Farm and destroyed my home. I've always looked at Mariah Tree Farm as a laboratory for the small scale forestry that I've practiced on it for over 25 years. Realizing the learning potential that a fire of this type creates, I've connected with Polaris Expeditionary School in Fort Collins, and with Front Range College to conduct restoration research and projects.
Under a program of the NRSC, and with help from the Colorado State Forest Service and Larimer County, the students have reseeded about four acres of the property. They have also installed remote cameras along vegetation transects to study plant succession and the wildlife that is coming back into the burn area.
The Polaris students have posted four videos to a Vimeo site they created. Check them out. It's really cool stuff. The kind we never got to do in school. Please feel free to share the student's work with friends and colleagues. http://vimeo.com/channels/polarishighparkfire
Have a wonderful holiday season, and hope for a better New Year.
Mark De Gregorio
Larimer County Tree Farmer
Forestry Tip of the Day: Wildfires can occur year-round on the Front Range
Ryan Ludlow |
Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator Boulder County | Land Use Department
Did you know that there is still a risk of wildfire this time of year? Have you checked around your home lately to make sure that your defensible space has been maintained and is ready for a potential wind-driven wildfire? Are your gutters clean of debris? Have you cut your tall grass yet? Etc.
Why is this important? In the past couple of weeks we have been seeing a lot of large firewood piles stacked on decks right next to houses. This has us a bit worried. We understand the desire to keep firewood on decks but keep in mind that this action comes with a risk. If possible we recommend storing firewood inside garages, well-sealed sheds or at least 30 feet from all structures. If you must keep firewood on your deck, completely cover it with a heavy duty “army style” canvas tarp, or even better in a metal or other type of fire resistant enclosure so embers have a harder time igniting the woodpile.
If you are in the Forest Agricultural Land Classification Program in Larimer County and received a questionnaire for the county assessor, you DO NOT have to send that form back. If you would like, you can remind the county assessor’s office that you are in the program by writing across the front page of the questionnaire ‘the parcel(s) is in the Forest Ag Program administered by the Colorado State Forest Service.’
If you have any other questions, please contact me at Michael.Hughes@Colostate.edu.
Michael M. Hughes
Fort Collins District
Colorado State Forest Service